Thursday, July 3, 2008

first week

I have got half way through my first week as a Deacon and I am having a blast. I am not saying it is laugh a minute because it isn't but it is fantastic!

Today I went to see Sister June in Formby to have a pray and a chat. June is affectionately know as 'the healing nun' as she is an excellent healer (I know God does the healing! but you know what I mean?) - she uses bach flower remedies to promote self healing. Now, I haven't worked all this completely into my theology of healing but I have always found going to see June, praying and focusing on healing very useful. I have been to visiting June for about 8 years and her support is invaluable. June came to my ordination on Sunday and wanted to have a chat about a few things (she is concerned that I get enough space to myself, say no when I need to and look after myself). I accept all June's advice even if I am unable to take it!

Having made the journey to Formby it was rude not to stop into Waitrose for Key Lime Pie (not on June's list of advice), I will be enjoying a slice soon!

In other news...I found out be theology degree results today. I got a 2:1...and I am made up! After all that stress - particularly over the exam - it seems a bit of an anti-climax. I can't believe that I am not dancing in the streets of Everton but it doesn't seem all that important any more. I am sure it will come in useful. In fact I am going to be preaching on Romans 8 in a couple weeks so I will be grateful for Steve Finemore and his exacting exegesis bootcamp. Perhaps later I will allow myself to celebrate with a glass of wine and a few nibbles. Yes, I think I will!


John H said...

I get to leave the first comment! ;)

Congratulations on your ordination, your exam results, and of course on your new blog!

bigdaddystevieB said...

second comment will just have to do I suppose!
I can feel a tv series coming on (seaside parish, not!)?