Saturday, May 23, 2009

nasty cough

Sorry to not be blogging this week. The usual excuses...but a few new ones: I had a rather stressful preaching assignment for Thursday for Ascension day - an ecumenical service with Eucharist. I felt under a great deal of pressure to develop some ideas about Christ and the founding of the church - which I think I managed to pull off in the end - but it was touch and go until really the last minute.

Added to this stress I have had a nasty cough for a few weeks and I was starting to get really very tired of all the cough cough coughing. Eventually one of my parishioners suggested going to the local chemist and ask for the pharmacist's special cough medicine - called Black Magic (see above)! Well, I can tell you it has worked a feel absolutely no pain whatsoever and the cough submits very quickly to the black magic potion (if you click on the image above it gets big enough to see the ingredients of the potion - then you'll know why it is so effective).

Mark and Eva are both away for a few days (Eva in Colomendy of a school trip and Mark up Ben Nevis) I am home alone - which is lovely. Off to the supermarket now and then I shall potter about the house, eat cake and prepare myself for an evening of rubbish TV with nobody to fight over the control with (I have 3 episodes of primeval to catch up on).

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Last night saw a (sort of) return to form for the UK at the Moscow Eurovision...Jane and 'the lord' ALW did very well to achieve 5th place. The winner was Norway...see below:

It sounded great last night but today I am already starting to feel a bit irritated by it...but that's the power of the earworm!

Anyway, I had a great evening twittering away during the event and enjoying each offering as it came to us live. Elise and I had plenty to say throughout and couldn't believe it when the last song ended - it seemed to all pass off very quickly.

I hope Philly J had a great time last night in Moscow. I can't wait to hear about what the live interval act was like in the flesh in the stadium. IT must have been fantastic because it looked pretty amazing on the TV. If you missed it here it is again:

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The bells the bells

I had some time off today so went off to Liverpool Anglican Cathedral to hear the bellringers chime out John Lennon's Imagine. It seems an unlikely secular hymn for the Cathedral to choose to launch it's initiative to encourage young people to think creatively. Hailed as "A premiere recital and reinterpretation of John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ using the bells of Liverpool’s Anglican cathedral and produced by artist Cleo Evans in collaboration with local change ringers." The event was part of FUTURESONIC (URBANFEST OF ART, MUSIC & IDEAS).

It was actually quite a moving experience and I noticed that a few people were drying away tears. A song of hope but also a song of despair...hearing it being peeled out by the bells and then sung inside the cathedral by children who weren't even born when John Lennon died was strangely haunting.

The event has been 'blessed' by Yoko Ono who wrote to the cathedral:
"The sound of your bells will travel around the world and remind people of John Lennon and his belief that there is an urgent need for world peace… like the church bell in the town, which used to ring as the warning to people about impending disasters like flood and fire!

Thank you for thinking of a very important way of bringing change to the consciousness of the world."

Thursday, May 14, 2009

stephen fry's audioboo

becoming slightly obsessed with guessing the QI words...can't work this one out at all!? It begins with G...


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jesus and Martin Luther King

You may well know that I have been blogging for re:jesus for a while. Well, I have been writing a series of conversations between Jesus and famous people. My latest is with Martin Luther King and can be found here...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

finding fab faces

Date; Saturday May 2nd 2009

Venue St. Lukes Church & District
AKA The Bombed Out Church

Mission to capture your face, yes, yours...get in to town any time after 01:00pm and meet the fabcollective at St. Lukes. Get your portrait taken for free and then you will be given a card with website details, be a part of our launch event and we'll make you famous...well on the internet at least.

The results...