Wednesday, April 29, 2009

punk photographer captures the easter story

We are working on the (post)Easter story in our house groups - these pictures capture the story.

World-renowned photographer Dennis Morris is best known for his iconic 70s images of the Sex Pistols and Bob Marley, so his latest project – for which he has teamed up with the diocese of London – is something of a departure. Working with young people from St Stephen’s and St Mary’s churches in Islington, north London, the photographer has produced a series of shots that mark six key events in the Easter story and which will form part of a teaching resources pack. Morris, who discovered photography as a nine-year-old choirboy in east London, hopes that the images will ‘provoke thought and generate discussion around the significance of Easter’

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

mini pinch

Eva, mark and I play this game when we are out and the car or walking. If you see a mini you shout "mini-pinch" if you see a yellow car you shout "yellow car". There aren't any prizes and no one is keeping score. It is just the catching them first and shouting loudest that's the fun. Picture the glee at seeing a yellow mini!

Anyway, it seems like everymanandhisdog has got a mini or a yellow car at the moment so you have to be prepared for a lot of shouting whenever we are out.

Well, recently I've started having nicer dreams (having had a few months of rather restless nights) and last night was a lovely night of dreams...all peaceful and calm. Until, I saw a my dream I saw a mini...and then I shouted "mini pinch" and woke myself up. I was very first I thought I have fallen asleep at the wheel. But, I was all tucked up and safe.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

the week ahead

I have been caught up in activities outside the parish for quite a while now but after Easter I can return to 'normal'. Next week I am marking my return with a week at St Deiniol's to do some work on my PhD. I was fortunate to win a scholarship to spend a week there studying and plan to use this time to complete my second draft of my thesis and chill out a bit. I am rather hoping that there will be some spring days so I can explore the gardens and make a visit to Gladstone's house.

I have made an Easter Sunday posting to the re:jesus blog...Happy Easter!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Sorry not to post here - but I have made a Good Friday contribution to re:jesus...